Figure 6.
Alterations in FFA content in unbound epidermal lipids in Fatp4−/− mice. Pooled fractions 4 and 5 of unbound epidermal lipids of newborns were analyzed by ESI-MS as [M − H]− ions in the negative-ion mode and quantified in arbitrary units. Fatp4−/− mice showed increased levels of saturated NHFA (C18-C24) and monounsaturated NHFA (C20-C34) (a,b), decreased levels of saturated OHFA and the OAHFA with a saturated fatty acyl backbone (d,e), and abnormal levels of AHFA and BHFA (c). Almost all these defects were normalized by the Fatp1 transgene. Data were obtained from 4 each of Fatp4+/− (controls), Fatp4−/−, and FATP1-rescued mutants with m/z ratios, standard deviation, and statistical significance shown (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). See Materials and Methods for nomenclature.