Figure 9.
Alterations in GlcCer content in unbound epidermal lipids in Fatp4−/− mice. Fraction 6 of unbound epidermal lipids of newborn mice was analyzed by ESI-MS as [M − H]− ions in the negative-ion mode and quantified in arbitrary units. Fatp4−/− mice showed decreased levels of the GlcCer(NS), GlcCer(NdS), and GlcCer(NP) species that contained a longer saturated acyl chain (a,b,c), of several GlcCer(OS) species (e), and of nearly all GlcCer(EOS) species (f), and increased levels of several GlcCer(AS) species (d). Almost all these defects were normalized by the Fatp1 transgene. Data were obtained from 5 each of Fatp4+/− (controls), Fatp4−/−, and FATP1-rescued mutants with m/z ratios, standard deviation, and statistical significance shown (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). See Materials and Methods for nomenclature.