Fig. 4.
MCP-1 (A), MIP-3α (B), KC/GRO (C), IL-6 (D) and L(+)-lactate (E) assessed in synovial fluid collected from naïve control rats and from rats 28 days after injection of MIA into the ankle or knee joint. MIP-3α (B) could not be detected (stated as n.d. in the figure) in 1/5 of the naïve rats, nor in 2/5 in the rats injected into the ankle joint. KC/GRO (C) was not possible to detect in any of the 5 naïve rats or in 4/5 rats with ankle joint injection. Mann-Whitney test subsequent to Kruskal-Wallis test performed for L(+)-lactate: ** = p < 0.01. Data shown as individual values and median, n = 5 per group. n.d. = not detectable.