Bit-pattern observable |
The run of 0 s in a binary string |
Bit vector |
An array data structure that holds bits |
Canonical k-mer |
The smallest hash value between a k-mer and its reverse complement |
Hash function |
A function that takes input data of arbitrary size and maps it to a bit string that is of fixed size and typically smaller than the input |
Jaccard similarity |
A similarity measure defined as the intersection of sets, divided by their union |
K-mer decomposition |
The process of extracting all sub-sequences of length k from a sequence |
Minimizer |
The smallest hash value in a set |
Multiset |
A set that allows for multiple instances of each of its elements (i.e. element frequency) |
Register |
A quickly accessible bit vector used to hold information |
Sketch |
A compact data structure that approximates a data set |
Stochastic averaging |
A process used to reduce the variance of an estimator |