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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Pers Soc Psychol. 2019 Mar 14;117(5):978–997. doi: 10.1037/pspi0000180

Table 6.

Integrated Data Analysis of the Association between Automatic Spousal Attitudes and Suicidal Thought Pooling Data from All Three Studies

b SE p dfs OR
Attitude Index = Raw Difference, Controlling BL Difference
Simplest Model
   Intercept −3.80 0.31 <.001 311  ---
   Study Dummy 1  2.10 0.58 <.001 311  8.19
   Study Dummy 2  0.29 0.70  .686 311  1.33
   Initial Suicidal Thought  3.12 0.54 <.001 267  22.68
   BL RT Difference  0.43 0.21  .038 267  1.54
   Spousal Attitude −0.52 0.19  .008 267  0.60
With Additional Covariates
   Intercept −3.92 0.35 <.001 311  ---
   Study Dummy 1  2.15 0.63 <.001 311  8.60
   Study Dummy 2  0.35 0.76  .640 311  1.42
   Initial Suicidal Thought  2.89 0.56 <.001 263  17.99
   BL RT Difference  0.52 0.21  .015 263  1.69
   Age −0.39 0.28  .165 263  0.68
   Education −0.08 0.23  .725 263  0.92
   Marital Satisfaction −0.32 0.17  .068 263  0.73
   Self-Attitude −0.15 0.21  .472 263  0.86
   Spousal Attitude −0.48 0.21  .022 263  0.62
Attitude Index = Facilitation Score Difference
Simplest Model
   Intercept −3.86 0.32 <.001 312  ---
   Study Dummy 1  2.10 0.59 <.001 312  8.13
   Study Dummy 2  0.12 0.66  .856 312  1.13
   Initial Suicidal Thought  3.24 0.54 <.001 274  25.63
   Spousal Attitude −0.58 0.21  .005 274  0.56
With Additional Covariates
   Intercept −3.96 0.36 <.001 312  ---
   Study Dummy 1  2.09 0.62 <.001 312  8.05
   Study Dummy 2  0.15 0.68  .828 312  1.16
   Initial Suicidal Thought  3.01 0.56 <.001 270  20.22
   Age −0.42 0.26  .104 270  0.66
   Education −0.08 0.21  .696 270  0.92
   Marital Satisfaction −0.29 0.17  .085 270  0.75
   Self-Attitude −0.04 0.22  .844 270  0.96
   Spousal Attitude −0.59 0.27  .028 270  0.55
Attitude Index = Facilitation Score Difference, Controlling BL (Preferred)
Simplest Model
   Intercept −3.99 0.32 <.001 312  ---
   Study Dummy 1  2.50 0.58 <.001 312  12.14
   Study Dummy 2  0.37 0.70  .602 312  1.44
   Initial Suicidal Thought  3.33 0.51 <.001 272  27.80
   BL RT Pos Words −0.22 0.47  .645 272  0.80
   BL RT Neg Words −0.28 0.54  .601 272  0.75
   Spousal Attitude −0.69 0.27  .010 272  0.50
 With Additional Covariates
   Intercept −4.08 0.35 <.001 312  ---
   Study Dummy 1  2.48 0.62 <.001 312  11.99
   Study Dummy 2  0.42 0.74  .566 312  1.53
   Initial Suicidal Thought  3.11 0.52 <.001 268  22.37
   BL RT Pos Words −0.26 0.55  .643 268  0.77
   BL RT Neg Words −0.24 0.67  .721 268  0.79
   Age −0.35 0.28  .220 268  0.71
   Education −0.10 0.21  .640 268  0.91
   Marital Satisfaction −0.31 0.17  .078 268  0.73
   Self-Attitude −0.11 0.26  .675 268  0.90
   Spousal Attitude −0.64 0.29  .027 268  0.53

Note. Raw Difference formed by subtracting the average of the RTs to positive words following spouse/self primes during both blocks from the average of the RTs to negative words following spouse/self primes during both blocks; thus, higher scores indicate faster categorization of positive relative to negative words following the spouse/self prime. BL RT difference formed by subtracting the average of the RTs to positive words following the neutral prime during the orientation block from the average of the RTs to negative words following the neutral prime during the orientation block; thus, higher scores indicate faster categorization of positive relative to negative words following the neutral prime. Facilitation Score Difference computing by forming the difference between RTs to positive words following neutral versus spouse/self primes (RTs to positive, neutral - RTs to positive, spouse/self) and subtracting from it the difference between RTs to negative words following neutral versus spouse/self primes (RTs to negative, neutral - RTs to negative, spouse/self) [i.e., (RT positive, neutral – RT positive, spouse/self) – (RT negative, neutral – RT negative, spouse/self); thus higher scores indicate greater facilitation to positive words following spouse/self primes. Study Dummy 1 = 1 for Study 1a and 0 for the other two studies; Study Dummy 2 = 1 for Study 1b and 0 for the other two studies, both entered grand-centered.