NPR-1 Modulates Locomotor Arousal during SIS and EGF-Induced Sleep
(A and B) NPR-1 is required for locomotor quiescence during SIS induced by osmotic stress (A) and noxious heat (B). Young adult animals were exposed to stressors as described in methods and examined for locomotion and feeding during ALA-dependent sleep, as indicated by comparison of wild-type N2 and ceh-17(np1) ALA-impaired animals.
(C) NPR-1 is required for locomotor quiescence during EGF-induced sleep. Overexpression of LIN-3/EGF in the wild-type background results in cessation of locomotion and feeding, effects that are CEH-17 dependent. Animals were examined 2 h following transgene induction. Each data point represents the fraction of quiescent animals in one trial of 25 young adult hermaphrodites. Mean and SEM of multiple independent trials are indicated. ns, not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001 versus control, one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's multiple comparisons test.