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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 16.
Published in final edited form as: J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015 Oct 4;108(1):djv282. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djv282

Table 2.

Sensitivity analysis - incremental cost-effectiveness ($ per QALY-gained)

Mean (80% UI)
Scenarios 4-valent gender-neutral vs no vaccination 9-valent gender-neutral vs 4-valent gender-neutral
No cross-protection
Base-case 7300 (4300–11 000) CS (CS–CS)
Vaccination characteristics
 Duration of protection = 20 y 9100 (5700–13 200) CS (CS–CS)
 Vaccination coverage*
  High-coverage scenario 13 000 (10 200–17 300) CS (CS–4100)
  Low-coverage scenario 4000 (1200–7300) CS (CS–CS)
Cervical screening
 Cytology/HPV DNA co-testing N/A CS (CS–CS)
Disease outcomes
 Disease outcomes included
  Cervical cancer only 28 000 (20 800–39 800) CS (CS–200)
  Cervical lesions only 212 500 (108 200–556 900) CS (CS–32 000)
 Low HPV31/33/45/52/58 positivity
  Cervical cancers 8800 (7300–10 400) CS (CS–1800)
  CIN2/3 7000 (4900–10 000) CS (CS–3000)
Health economic parameters
 Minimum healthcare costs§ 14 900 (12 400–17 800) CS (CS–9700)
 Minimum burden of disease§ 9900 (6500–14 400) CS (CS–CS)
Time horizon
 30 y 30 600 (21 700–42 500) CS (CS→1 million)
With cross-protection
Base-case 5500 (2400–9400) CS (CS–11 100)
Vaccination characteristics
 Duration of protection
  9- & 4-valent= 20 y 7300 (3600–11 200) CS (CS–12 700)
  Crossprotection = 20 y 5700 (2600–9600) CS (CS–8500)
 Vaccination coverage*
  High-coverage scenario 10 800 (7600–14 900) 4600 (CS–22 100)
  Low-coverage scenario 2500 (CS–6200) CS (CS–3900)
Cervical screening
 Cytology/HPV DNA co-testing N/A CS (CS–11 800)
Disease outcomes
 Disease outcomes included
  Cervical cancer only 23 700 (16 000–33 600) 1100 (CS–19 500)
  Cervical lesions only 172 500 (100 500–458 500) 3500 (CS–93 300)
 Low HPV31/33/45/52/58 positivity
  Cervical cancers 7300 (6100–9300) 3500 (CS–19 900)
  CIN2/3 6100 (3800–8700) 6000 (100–20 600)
Health economic parameters
 Minimum healthcare costs§ 13 200 (10 400–16 200) 6600 (1000–21 800)
 Minimum burden of disease§ 7800 (4300–12 400) CS (CS–14 400)
Time horizon
 30 y 26 800 (18 100–39 100) 7600 (CS→1 million)

High vaccination coverage scenario: We use 1 dose US estimates and assume vaccine protection after 1 dose (Supplementary Figure 1, available online); low vaccination coverage scenario: We assume that the 3 dose coverage remains constant at 2012 levels from 2013 onwards (2012 was the lowest estimated uptake rate between 2010–2013).

Co-testing: 21- to 29-year-olds have a cytology test every 3 years, and 30- to 65-year-olds have cytology/HPV DNA co-testing every 5 years.

The 12 parameter sets out of 50, which produce the lowest HPV31/33/45/52/58 positivity in CIN2/3 (≤27% positive) and cervical cancers (≤23% positive).


Minimum: All cancer costs or QALY-lost parameters are set at the minimum value identified from the US literature (Supplementary Table 1, available online). Base-case: vaccine-type efficacy = 95%; cross-protective vaccine efficacy presented in Supplementary Table 3 (available online); duration = lifelong; 4-valent cost/dose = $145; 9-valent cost/dose = $158. CIN2/3 = cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 and 3; CS = cost saving; ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; NNV = number needed to vaccinate; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year; UI = uncertainty interval.