Fig. 7.
Photoacoustic Microscopy (PAM) imaging of the retinal and choroidal vessels in rabbit model of subretinal injection sterile water (A–D) and Matrigel & VEGF (E–H) at 4 weeks. A, E: color fundus photography of retina. White dotted rectangle shows the selected scanning region (PAM) of figure B and F. C–D, G–H: 3D reconstruction of PAM images from different angles, C and G are coronal images. D and H are parasagittal images. The PAM images show clearly the structure of individual vessels including RVs, CVs, capillaries and CNV. D: Control group of rabbit vessels. The RVs and CVs are adjacent to one another given the significant retinal atrophy that occurs at 4 weeks. No obvious neovascularization is observed. H: In Matrigel & VEGF group, the RVs layer and CVs layer are separated, and neovascularization (CNV) can be seen in the subretinal space. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)