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. 2019 Aug 5;8(12):5399–5413. doi: 10.1002/cam4.2464

Table 2.

Comparison between conventional criteria and immune‐related response assessment systems

  WHO (1979) irRC (2009) RECIST1.0 (2000) RECIST1.1 (2009) irRECIST (2013) iRECIST (2017)
Measurements BD BD UD UD UD UD
New, measurable lesions Designates PD Incorporates into TTB for the assessment of PD Designates PD Designates PD Incorporates into TTB for the assessment of PD Separately documents; adds into the assessment of PD

Disappearance of all IL and NIL

Nodal short axis diameter <10 mm

No new lesions

PRa ≥50% decrease in TB, non‐unequivocal progression for NIL or no new lesions ≥50% decrease in TTB, non‐unequivocal progression for NIL or no new lesions ≥30% decrease in TB, non‐unequivocal progression for NIL or no new lesions ≥30% decrease in TB, non‐unequivocal progression for NIL or no new lesions ≥30% decrease in TTB, non‐unequivocal progression for NIL or no new lesions ≥30% decrease in TB, non‐unequivocal progression for NIL or no new lesions
SD Neither PR nor PD
PDb ≥25% increase in TB and/or progression of NIL and/or new lesions ≥25% increase in TTB ≥20% increase in TB and/or progression of NIL and/or new lesions ≥20% increase in TB and ≥5 mm increase in absolute value, and/or progression of NIL and/or new lesions ≥20% increase in TTB and ≥5 mm increase in absolute value, and/or progression of NIL and/or new lesions iUPD—≥20% increase in TB and/or progression of NIL and/or new lesions
Confirmation of PD NA ≥25% increase in TTB NA NA New unequivocal progression or continued progression from the first PD; presence of another new lesions iCPD—≥5 mm increase in new IL, increased size of IL or NIL, progression of new NIL, presence of another new lesions

Abbreviations: BD, bidimensional (longest diameter × longest perpendicular diameter for both nonnodal lesions and lymph nodes); CR, complete response; iCPD, immune‐confirmed progressive disease; IL, index lesions; iRECIST, immune RECIST; irRC, immune‐related response criteria; irRECIST, immune‐related RECIST; iUPD, immune‐unconfirmed progressive disease; NA, not available; NIL, non‐index lesions; PD, progressive disease; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; RECIST, response evaluation criteria in solid tumors; TB, tumor burden; TTB, total tumor burden; UD, unidimensional (longest diameter for nonnodal lesions, longest perpendicular diameter for lymph nodes); WHO, World Health Organization.


In reference to the baseline.


In reference to the nadir (minimum recorded TB).