Forest plots with effect sizes summarized across regions. Effect sizes were calculated as the difference between local and nonlocal plants. Significantly positive across‐region effect sizes indicate local adaptation and negative ones indicate local maladaptation. Stars denote effect sizes significantly different from 0 (i.e. 95% confidence intervals nonoverlapping with 0). NAs denote cases with insufficient data for effect size calculation in one or both regions (see Methods S2). Closed and open symbols stand for control and zebularine treatment, respectively. Natives are marked in black, and non‐natives are marked in red. Survival with continuity correction based on the reciprocal of the opposite group size (a), aboveground biomass (b), flowering probability based on the reciprocal of the opposite group size (c), and reproductive biomass (d). LOR, log‐transformed odds ratio; SMD, standardized mean difference