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. 2019 Aug 6;9(17):9412–9426. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5325

Table 3.

Results of mixed effects meta‐regression for each fitness variable, with transplant region (Konstanz or Potsdam), status (native or non‐native), zebularine treatment and their interactions as moderators and random effects of blocks nested in field sites and species nested within plant family. The values are for each moderator in the step‐wise model reduction, the χ2 value and the significance level of the likelihood ratio test. p‐values lower than 0.05 are marked in bold. For survival and flowering probability, results for both types of continuity correction are shown (for details see Methods S3)

Fitness variable Survival Aboveground biomass Flowering probability Reproductive biomass
Sample size 91 143 300 100 134 215
Comparison level Field Field Block Field Field Block
Continuity correction +0.5 + localCC +non‐localCC NA +0.5 +localCC +non‐localCC NA
Moderators χ2 (df = 1) p χ2 (df = 1) p χ2 (df  = 1) p χ2 (df  = 1) p χ2 (df  = 1) p χ2 (df  = 1) p
Region (R) 1.90 0.168 1.23 0.267 2.13 0.144 1.02 0.312 0.06 0.816 8.68 0.003
Status (S) 1.89 0.170 1.58 0.209 2.34 0.126 0.06 0.800 0.03 0.861 3.65 0.056
Zebularine treatment (Z) 2.22 0.136 1.65 0.199 0.02 0.882 0.00 0.952 0.01 0.929 0.00 0.963
R × S 1.37 0.241 1.18 0.277 8.66 0.003 0.84 0.359 0.50 0.479 0.35 0.552
R × Z 0.93 0.336 0.70 0.402 0.31 0.578 0.10 0.756 0.32 0.572 0.33 0.563
S × Z 0.00 0.986 0.00 0.944 0.95 0.331 2.31 0.129 2.43 0.119 0.54 0.462
R × S × Z 0.09 0.770 0.13 0.719 4.39 0.036 3.60 0.058 2.69 0.101 1.01 0.314
Random effects structure ~1|Field ~1|Field ~Block|Field ~1|Field ~1|Field ~Block|Field
~1|Species ~1|Species ~1|Species ~1|Species ~1|Species ~Species|Plant family

Abbreviations: LOR, log‐transformed odds ratio; SMD, standardized mean difference.