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. 2019 Sep-Dec;12(3):193–205. doi: 10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_38_19

Table 3.

Common yoga protocol for type 2 diabetes mellitus (to be practiced 7 days/week)

Serial number Name of the practice Duration
1 Starting prayer: Asatoma Sat Gamaya 2 min
2 Preparatory SukshmaVyayamas and Shithilikarana Practices 6 min
 1. Urdhva-hasta Shvasana (hand stretch breathing 3 rounds at 90°, 135°, 180° each)
 2. Kati-Shakti Vikasaka (3 rounds each)
  a. Forward and backward bending
  b. Twisting
 3. Sarvanga Pushti (3 rounds clockwise, 3 rounds counterclockwise)
3 Surya Namaskara –sun salutation(SN) 9 min
 a. 10 step fast SN 6 rounds
 b. 12 step slow SN 1 round (to be avoided by those with knee pain, cardiac problems, renal problem, low back pain, retinopathy and the elderly who are weak and not flexible; instead they can do Chair SN) modified version Chair SN: 7 rounds
4 Asanas (1 min per asana) 15 min
 Standing (1 min per asana)
Trikonasana, Pravritta Trikonasana, Prasarita pada-hastasana
 2. Supine
Jathara Parivartanasana, Pavanamuktasana, Viparitakarani
 3. Prone
Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana followed by Pavanmuktasana
 4. Sitting
Mandukasana, Vakrasana/Ardhamatsyendrasana, Paschimatanasana, ArdhaUshtrasana
At the end, relaxation with abdominal breathing in supine position (vishranti), 10-15 rounds (2 min)
5 Kriyas 3 min
 a. Agnisara: 1 min
 b. Kapalabhati (at 60 breaths per minute for 1 min followed by rest for 1 min)
6 Pranayama 9 min
 a. Nadishuddhi (for 6 min, with antarkumbhaka and jalandharbandha for 2 s)
 b. Bhramari (3 min)
7 Meditation (for stress management for deep relaxation and silencing the mind) cyclic meditation (those who are willing to practice techniques of relaxation evolved by their own institutes may do so) 15 min
8 Resolve (I am completely healthy) 1 min
9 Closing prayer: Sarvebhavantu Sukhinah 1 min
Total 60 min

SN=Surya Namaskara