Figure 3.
Anti-hP2X4 mAb27 recognizes mouse and rat P2X4 in immunohistochemistry assays. (A) Staining of HEK cells transfected with hP2X4 using mAb27 (IgG2b/κ). Scale bar: 15 μm. Staining of HEK cells expressing hP2X4 with secondary Ab alone did not show positive signal (Figure S1). (B) HEK cells expressing mouse (left panel) or human (right panel) P2X4 were stained by anti-hP2X4 mAb27-FITC (IgG 2b/κ) diluted 1:1,600 (red line) or 1:800 (blue line). The black line corresponds to staining with the isotype control. (C) Primary culture of rat hippocampus neurons with one amoebaean-like glial cell (arrow) was stained with anti-hP2X4 mAb27 (IgG2b/κ). Scale bar: 30 μm. Staining of rat hippocampus neurons with secondary antibodies alone was negative (Figure S1).