Figure 6. Enteropathogen seroconversion and seroreversion rates among 205 children ages 4 to 17 months measured longitudinally in Asembo, Kenya, 2013.
The seroconversion rate is a measure of a pathogen's force of infection. Longitudinal estimates are non-parametric rates of incident seroconversions and seroreversions among children at risk, assumed to occur at the midpoint of the measurement interval. Cross-sectional estimators were derived from age-specific seroprevalence curves using semiparametric cubic splines (spline), a reversible catalytic model (RCM) that assumed constant seroconversion and seroreversion rates with the seroreversion rate estimated from prospective data, and a parametric constant rate survival model (exponential). Error bars mark 95% confidence intervals. IgG response measured in multiplex using median fluorescence units minus background (MFI-bg) on the Luminex platform (N = 410 measurements from 205 children). Created with notebooks (, and data (