Table 6. Summary of the Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Model of (Log Odds) Accuracy Scores on the Vocabulary Test for the Markers Group.
Wald confidence intervals | ||||||
Fixed effects | Estimated coefficient | SE | 2.50% | 97.50% | z | Pr (>|z|) |
Note. 376 observations (nouns: 185, verbs: 191; consistent: 187; inconsistent: 189), 48 participants, 48 trials. R syntax for the final model is: aw_vocabMF4 <− glmer (accuracy ∼ consistency + word_type + (1|Subject) + (1|target) + (1|lang_v) + (1|trial), data = a2_vocab_MARKERS_F, family = binomial, control = glmerControl (optimizer=“bobyqa”, optCtrl = list (maxfun = 100000))). | ||||||
(Intercept) | 1.1385 | .2725 | .6044 | 1.6725 | .981 | 2.93 × 10−5 |
Word type | −.5389 | .2417 | −1.0127 | −.0651 | −2.229 | .0258 |
Consistency | −.6983 | .3274 | −1.340 | −.0567 | −2.133 | .0329 |
Random effects | Variance | Std. Dev. | ||||
Subject (Intercept) | .3365 | .5801 | ||||
Target (Intercept) | .0142 | .1193 | ||||
Trial (Intercept) | .0000 | .0000 | ||||
Lang_v (Intercept) | .0000 | .0000 | ||||
AIC | BIC | LogLik | Deviance | |||
493.0 | 520.5 | −239.5 | 479.0 |