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. 2019 Jul 9;55(5):574–591. doi: 10.1007/s11262-019-01684-w

Table 1.

Protozoal giant viruses—family Mimiviridae

No. Genera of virus Species [ref] Genetic material Host Place and year of isolation Line/group Virophage
1. Mimivirus Mimivirus -Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus (APMV) [16] Linear dsDNA Acanthamoeba (A.) polyphaga Cooling tower water, hospital, Bradford (Great Britain)—2003 A Sputnik
Mamavirus – Acanthamoeba castellani mamavirus (ACMV) [8, 61] Linear dsDNA

A. castellani

A. polyphaga

Cooling tower water, hospital, Paris (France)—2008

Soil (France)—2012

Sputnik Sputnik 3
Lentille virus [7] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A. polyphaga Contact lenses solution (France)—2012 Sputnik 2
Samba virus [6] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A. castellani Negro River Amazonia (Brasil)—2014 Rio Negro
Kroon virus [54] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Municipal lake (Brasil)—2015 No
Amazonia virus [54] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Amazonia’s river (Brasil)—2015 No
Oyster virus [54] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Oyster farm (Brasil)—2015 No
Niemeyer virus [55] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Municipal lake (Brasil)—2015 No
Mimivirus bombay [56] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A. castellani Sewage Mumbai (India)—2016 No
Moumouvirus—Acanthamoeba polyphaga moumouvirus [42] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A. polyphaga Cooling tower water (France)—2008 B No
Moumouvirus monve [42] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Cooling tower water (France)—2008 No
Saudi moumouvirus [91] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A.polyphaga Hospital’s sewage in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)—2016 No
Courdo11 [58] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp River Le Peyron (France)—2010 C No
Megavirus chilensis [42] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Sea water (Chile)—2011 No
Mont1 [60] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A. polyphaga Soil (Tunisia)—2014 Zamilon
Shan virus [62] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Human’s faeces (Tunisia)—2013 No
LBA111 [15, 62] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp Human’s bronchoscopy specimen (Tunisia)—2013 No
2. Cafeteriavirus Cafeteria roenbergensis virus (CroV) [5, 65] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Cafeteria roenbergensis Sea water (USA)—2011 Non-defined Mavirus
3. Non-defined* Non-defined* [39] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Non-defined Lake in Antarctica—2013 Non-defined ALM
Non-defined* [92] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Sheep’s rumen (USA)—2015 RVP
4. Klosneuvirus Klosneuvirus [67, 68] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Acanthamoeba spp. Sewage treatment plant, Austria—2017 Non-defined No
Catovirus [67, 68] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined)
Hokovirus [67, 68] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined)
Indivirus [67, 68] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined)
5. Tupanvirus Tupanvirus from salt lake [67] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) A. castellanii Vermamoeba vermiformis Salt lake Nhecolândia (Brasil)—2018 Non-defined No
Tupanvirus from the ocean [67] dsDNA (arrangement non-defined) Ocean’s waters Campos dos Goytacazes (Brasil)—2018

*Probably the Mimiviridae family members