Figure 2.
Differentially expressed proteins across preimplantation development and their functional enrichment. (A) Number of differentially expressed proteins between pairs of consecutive developmental stages (fold-change ≥2 or ≤0.5 between any two developmental stages, P-value ≤ 0.05 from ANOVA). (B) Expression profile of protein clusters. The heatmaps show fold-changes relative to the oocyte scaled using the z-score transformation. The height of the heatmaps is proportional to the number of proteins in each cluster, which is also indicated. The median fold-change across all cluster members for each developmental stage is represented below the heatmaps. (C) Annotation of protein clusters. Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated (FDR ≤ 0.05) with each cluster were summarized with REVIGO89. REVIGO “representatives” for the individual GO terms are listed on the right of the heatmap. Statistical significance (sum of the -log10 FDR of the individual GO terms) for the annotation of each of the clusters is represented using a color gradient. Non-significant associations are represented in gray. Details are presented in Supplemental Table S2.