Figure 7.
Application of PK105b to measure NE activation in mucosal biopsies from patients with IBD. (A) Mucosal biopsies from healthy controls (n = 5) or patients with active UC (n = 9) were labeled ex vivo with 1 µM PK105b. Probe binding was assessed by in-gel fluorescence. (B) Samples in (A) were immunoblotted for total NE expression. (C) Merged image of PK105b labeling (active NE; magenta) and immunoblot (total NE expression; green). (D,E) Densitometry of active NE in (A) and total mature NE in (B), respectively. (F) Ratio of active to total mature NE in the biopsy lysates. Error bars are shown as mean ± SEM. (G) Immunoprecipitation of PK105b-labeled UC biopsy lysates with an NE-specific antibody. Gain settings for pulldown were enhanced in order to view faint bands (right panel). (H) Competition of PK105b labeling in inflamed colon lysates with PK101.