Study on the function of the Cmtns gene. (A) The conidia of the ΔCmtns mutant were co-cultured with the Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1-pCAMBIA0390-Ben-Comtns on PDA medium supplemented with 3 μg/mL of benomyl, and the co-culture plate for complementation of the Cmtns gene was obtained. (B) PCR amplification of the ben gene in the ΔCmtns-c strain. (C) PCR amplification of the Cmtns gene in the ΔCmtns-c strain. (D) qRT-PCR analysis of the Cmtns gene expression. (E) C. militaris CM10 cultured on rice medium. (F) C. militaris ΔCmtns cultured on rice medium. (G) C. militarisΔCmtns-c cultured on rice medium. (H) Analysis of carotenoid content in C. militaris. Data are means ± standard error from three independent experiments. Different letters (a–c) above the bars indicated significant difference (ANOVA followed by Duncan’s multiple-range tests, P < 0.05).