In panel (A) a map showing the variations of the measured under canopy temperature is shown. The measured values are standardized with 0 as the average and the standard deviation as unity. In panel (B) a map of the only Eigenvector map showing a statistically significant effect is shown (named MEM2, as the generated Eigenvector map having the second highest eigenvalue). The size and color of the square indicate the values of the eigenvector assigned at each point. Panel (C) is a visual representation of the variation partitioning between the two explanatory variables (or maps) used, it calculates the single explanatory power of the two matrixes and calculate an eventual joint effect. Due to a negative joint effect detected, the negative values were proportionally distributed between the two matrixes, as suggested by Legendre et al. (2012). The value within the circles are adjusted R squared. With residuals it is represented the fraction of unexplained variance (Signif. codes: ∗∗∗p-value < 0.001).