Figure 7.
Involvement of TNF-α in induction of CD8 TRM cells in the lung by RM-pull strategy. (A) Bar graph demonstrating levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α in BAL of i.m.-immunized animals at day 5 following RM-pull with Ag85 complex proteins without (Ag85) and with CD4 T cell depletion (Ag85/αCD4 mAb). (B) Experimental schema. Mice were immunized i.m. with AdCh68Ag85A. At day 28 post-immunization, mice were administered i.n. with Ag85 complex (two doses 5 days apart). The mice were depleted of TNF-α by i.n. delivery of an isotype Ab or TNF-α mAb every other day starting at day 1 post-RM-pull. At day 5 post-RM-pull, mononuclear cells from BAL, LPT, and MLN were ex vivo stimulated with Ag85A CD4 or CD8 peptides, and immunostained for tetramer, TRM surface markers, and intracellular cytokines. (C) Bar graph demonstrating numbers of tetramer+ CD8 T cells in BAL, LPT, and MLN. (D) Bar graph showing numbers of IFN-γ+ CD8 T cells in LPT. (E) Bar graph showing numbers of tetramer+ CD8 T cells co-expressing CD69 and CD103, or CD69 and CD49a in LPT. (F) Bar graph showing numbers of IFN-γ+ CD4 T cells in BAL and LPT. (G) Bar graph showing numbers of IFN-γ+ CD4 T cells co-expressing CD69 and CD49a, or CD69 and CD11a in BAL. Data are presented as the mean ± S.E.M. of three mice/group, representative of two independent experiments. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001 compared with Ag85A group.