FOXG1 protein domains and distribution of variants. Published FOXG1 variants in a schematic illustration; the N-terminal domain, forkhead binding domain (FBD, amino acids 181-275), forkhead domain conserved site 1 (cs, amino acids 181-194), Groucho-binding domain (GTBD, amino acids 307–406), JARID1B-binding domain (JBD, amino acids 383–406), and C-terminal domain of FOXG1 protein are indicated. The published mutation variants include missense variants (red), frameshift (blue), nonsense (green), in-frame (gray), and stop loss (black) variants. The mutations are distributed in all protein domains. Most missense variants (red) cluster in the FBD, including cs, and are not found in the N-terminal domain. Frameshift variants (blue) are predominantly located in the N-terminal, while nonsense variants are found in all domains except the cs domain. Variants of two hot spot mutations are shown: ■ are variants of mutations at c.256, and ◆ are variants of mutations at c.460.