Polysomnographic recording in the same patient who was treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Tremendous desaturation before CPAP treatment was restored. However, the increase in pulmonary artery pressure can be observed in association with the appearance of phasic REM, suggesting the participation of neural control. REM-specific elevation in PAP occurred independently of the degree of hypoxia. PCWP; pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. SpO2; arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximeter, Rib; rib cage movement, Abdo; abdominal movement, Flow; nasal airflow, HR; heart rate, EMGGG; genioglossal electromyogram, PSA; systemic artery pressure, EOG; electrooculogram, EEG; electroencephalogram. Phasic; phasic REM, tonic; tonic REM.