Figure 4.
A 21-year-old female patient referred with limited mouth opening and clicking during mouth opening in right TMJ. (A) Closed mouth ultrasound (transducer placed transversally) image with disc in anterior position; (B) schematic drawing of closed mouth ultrasound (transducer placed transversally) image with disc in anterior position; (C) closed mouth MRI (sagittal plane) image of the patient showing right TMJ with anteriorly positioned disc; (D) closed mouth ultrasound (transducer placed transversally) image with disc in normal position; (E) schematic drawing of open mouth ultrasound (transducer placed transversally) image with disc in normal position; (F) open mouth MRI (sagittal plane) image of the patient showing right TMJ with anterior disc displacement with reduction. TMJ, temporomandibular joint.