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. 2019 Jul 9;10(4):e01405-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01405-19


Sensitivity of CorA mutants in the presence of HexaCoInline graphic

M. tuberculosis strain
with (+) and without (–)
100 μM HexaCo
CARA MBC (μM) of:
Rif 2504 2178 HexaCoa
WT– 0.31 3.1 3.1 >1,000
WT+ 0.31 3.1 3.1 NA
3(E212D)– 0.31 12.5 12.5 >1,000
3(E212D)+ 0.31 3.1 3.1 NA
6(D285G)– 0.16 6.2 12.5 >1,000
6(D285G)+ 0.16 3.1 3.1 NA

NA, not available.