Fig. 5.
Caveolin-1 expression interferes with PKA-DRP1-associated organelle remodelling. a Mock and CAV1 cells in control condition (con) or under early ER stress with tunicamycin (tun) were analysed by western blotting. DRP1 Ser637 phosphorylation was normalized to total DRP1. b Quantification of the DRP1 phosphorylation analysed in a (n = 3). c Experimental groups as in a were processed for live-cell imaging. The ER was stained with ER-Tracker Red and mitochondria were stained with MitoTracker green and then imaged using confocal microscopy. d Mitochondrial mean area was quantified in images shown in (c) (n = 3). e Pearson’s correlation between mean mitochondrial size and ER–mitochondria proximity per cell was quantified in images shown in c. Cells were grouped according to CAV1 expression (mock and CAV1-transfected). Approximately 120 cells were analysed for each group. Only the mock group showed a significant correlation (r = 0.1926, P < 0.05). f Quantification of the cross-sectional area of the ER in images shown in c (n = 3). g ER–Mitochondria colocalization was quantified as Manders’ coefficients in images shown in c (n = 3). For each independent imaging experiment, 5–15 cells were analysed. Scale bars: 10 µm. Results are shown as mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 compared with respective con condition. ns non-significant