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. 2018 Nov 16;17:2325958218811640. doi: 10.1177/2325958218811640

Table 1.

Sociodemographic Characteristics of Female Sex Workers by Community Organization Membership in India, 2015.a

Sociodemographic Characteristics % (n) or Mean (SD) Community Organization Membership P Value
No Yes
Age, mean (SD) 34.4 (6.6)
Age <.001
 ≤30 years 33.5 (1374) 46.7 (438) 29.6 (936)
 >30 years 66.5 (2724) 53.3 (500) 70.4 (2224)
Education .053
 Illiterate 42.5 (1740) 45.2 (424) 41.7 (1316)
 Literate 57.5 (2358) 54.8 (514) 58.4 (1844)
Marital status <.001
 Currently married 62.1 (2545) 63.0 (591) 61.8 (1954)
 Never married 7.7 (314) 17.8 (167) 4.7 (147)
 Othersb 30.2 (1239) 19.2 (180) 33.5 (1059)
Place of solicitation <.001
 Home based 25.1 (1030) 12.6 (118) 28.9 (912)
 Lodge/brothel based 29.9 (1227) 58.7 (551) 21.4 (676)
 Street/public places 21.6 (887) 18.7 (175) 22.5 (712)
 Othersc 23.3 (954) 10.0 (94) 27.2 (860)
Living status <.001
 Living with family members/husband 59.9 (2453) 55.5 (521) 61.1 (1932)
 Living alone 21.8 (895) 17.2 (161) 23.2 (734)
 Living with othersd 18.3 (750) 27.3 (256) 15.6 (494)
Member of CO
 No 22.9 (938)
 Yes 77.1 (3160)
Duration of membership (N = 3160)
 ≤1 year - - 20.7 (655)
 >1 year - - 79.3 (2505)
Frequency of interaction with CO (N = 3160)
 More than a week - - 60.8 (1923)
 Weekly - - 36.1 (1142)
 Daily - - 3.0 (095)
Total 100.0 (4098) 100.0 (938) 100.0 (3160)

aP values were calculated through χ2 test.

b Includes divorced/separated/deserted.

c Others include rented room/massage parlor/others.

d Others include living with madam/sex workers/partner.