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. 2017 Mar 3;74(7):e50–e59. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbx015

Table 1.

Robust Regression Models Examining Neighborhood Disadvantage as an Independent Variable of Biological Aging

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
b SE p value b SE p value b SE p value
Neighborhood disadvantage 1.370** 0.434 .002 0.962* 0.398 .018 0.965* 0.399 .018
Neighborhood disadvantage squared −0.065 0.273 .811
Per capita income −0.190 0.514 .712 −0.188 0.516 .717
Education (high school is reference)
 Less than a high school education 0.407 1.093 .711 0.406 1.102 .714
 Some college 0.557 0.907 .541 0.577 0.934 .539
 At least a college degree −1.621 1.511 .286 −1.620 1.523 .291
Marital status (single is reference)
 Married −0.529 1.053 .617 −0.527 1.060 .620
 Cohabited 0.118 1.066 .912 0.140 1.080 .897
Employment status 1.652* 0.827 .049 1.638 0.830 .052
Receives welfare −1.064 1.979 .592 −1.089 2.005 .589
Number of children in household −0.025 0.254 .921 −0.024 0.255 .926
Number of relocation from W1 to W5 −0.143 0.399 .722 −0.127 0.414 .759
Health insurance −1.984* 0.987 .048 −1.968 0.993 .051
Current cigarette use 0.989 0.839 .242 1.011 0.840 .233
Current binge drinking −0.883 1.386 .526 −0.897 1.393 .522
Current healthy diet 0.595 0.492 .230 0.601 0.499 .231
Current exercise 0.132 0.324 .684 0.126 0.330 .705
CD8+ T cells −32.892** 7.915 .000 −32.810** 8.060 .000
CD4+ T cells −13.691** 4.998 .008 −13.675** 5.054 .008
Natural killer cells 17.914* 6.989 .012 17.781* 7.027 .013
B cells −4.647 5.405 .393 −4.679 5.426 .391
Monocytes −7.759 5.960 .197 −7.711 6.043 .206
Constant 0.000 0.453 1.000 7.184* 3.296 .032 7.193* 3.303 .032
R 2 0.085 0.525 0.525

Note: Unstandardized (b) coefficients shown with robust standard errors in parentheses; neighborhood disadvantage and per capita income are standardized by z-transformation (mean = 0 and SD =1). N = 100. p ≤ .10, *p ≤ .05, **p ≤ .01 (two-tailed tests).