Table 5.
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for base-case scenario in adults aged ≥ 60 years
Outcomes | RZV | No vaccination | ZVL | Differencea (RZV vs no vaccination) | Differencea (RZV vs ZVL) |
Life-years/QALYs (discounted at 1.5%) | |||||
Life-years | 107,495,705 | 107,494,014 | 107,494,305 | 1691 | 1401 |
QALYs | 96,578,202 | 96,544,742 | 96,556,869 | 33,460 | 21,334 |
Costs associated with vaccine program, ($, discounted at 1.5%) | |||||
Vaccination costs | 1,286,463,213 | 0 | 1,024,290,348 | 1,286,463,213 | 262,172,865 |
Direct costs due to HZ and complications | 427,855,341 | 765,404,926 | 638,908,525 | − 337,549,585 | − 211,053,184 |
Total direct costs | 1,714,318,554 | 765,404,926 | 1,663,198,873 | 948,913,628 | 51,119,681 |
Cost-effectiveness, $ per QALY gained (discount rates in parenthesis) | |||||
Base-case: incremental cost per QALY (1.5%) | 28,360 | 2396 | |||
Incremental cost per QALY (0%) | 24,139 | 801 | |||
Incremental cost per QALY (3%) | 32,688 | 4100 | |||
Incremental cost per QALY (5%) | 38,577 | 6516 |
All $ represent Canadian dollars
HZ herpes zoster, PHN postherpetic neuralgia, QALY quality-adjusted life-year, RZV adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine, ZVL zoster vaccine live
aValues in table are rounded so differences do not always sum