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. 2019 Sep 17;9:13495. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49756-z

Table 2.

Antibodies used in immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence staining and immunoblotting.

Figure in the text Antibody (vendors) Catalog number
1A anti-Met (cMet) Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
1B DAPI (Molecular Probes) D1306
anti-Met (cMet) Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
anti-aquaporin-1 Ab (Abcam) ab15080
Alexa Fluor-conjugated secondary Ab (Molecular Probes).
goat anti-mouse 488 (green) A11001
goat anti-mouse 555 (red) A21422
goat anti-rabbit 488 A11008
goat anti-rabbit 555 A21428
anti-Met (cMet) (phospho Y1349) Ab (Abcam). ab68141
1C rHGF (R&D Systems) 294-HG-005
2A–E cMet Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
Anti-Hunan IgG Ab (Abcam) ab200699
Anti-Human HGF R/cMet PE-conjugated Ab FAB3582P
3A–H Anti-Hunan IgG Ab (Abcam) ab200699
cMet Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
DAPI (Molecular Probes) D1306
4B anti-Met (cMet) Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
anti-aquaporin-1 Ab (Abcam) ab15080
anti-rabbit (Cell Signaling Technology) secondary 7074 s
4C anti-mouse (Cell Signaling Technology) Secondary 7076 s
anti-collagen 1 Ab (Abcam) Ab90395
anti-fibronectin Ab (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) sc-8422
anti-αSMA Ab (Abcam) ab7817
anti-beta-actin Ab (Cell Signaling Technology) #4967
anti-Met (cMet) (phospho Y1349) Ab (Abcam). ab68141
5A anti-Met (cMet) Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
anti-beta-actin Ab (Cell Signaling Technology) #4967
DAPI (Molecular Probes) D1306
6A anti-fibronectin Ab (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) sc-8422
anti-collagen 4 Ab (Abcam) ab21295
anti-fibronectin Ab (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) sc-8422
6B anti-αSMA Ab (Abcam) ab7817
anti Bax Ab (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) sc-7480
anti-Bcl-2 Ab (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) sc-7382
anti-Met (cMet) (phospho Y1349) Ab (Abcam). ab68141
anti-Met (cMet) Ab (Abcam) ab59884-100
anti-beta-actin Ab (Cell Signaling Technology) #4967
6D DAPI (Molecular Probes) D1306

HRP; horseradish peroxidase, IHC; immunohistochemistry, IF; immunofluorescence, DAPI; 4′,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride, PTECs; proximal tubular epithelial cells, rTGFβ; recombinant transforming growth factor β, rHGF; recombinant hepatocyte growth factor, FACS; fluorescence-assisted cell sorting.