(A) Two individual planes of a z-series through two wild-type BY4741 cells expressing mHtt(72Q)-GFP. The cell on the left contains an IB (arrowhead), whereas in a different plane, a small particle is seen in the cell on the right (arrow). (B) A representative plane taken from a z-series through two rnq1Δ cells expressing mHtt(72Q)-GFP. The mHtt(72Q)-GFP remains diffuse and cytoplasmic; no aggregates or liquid assemblies are seen. Bar, 1 μm. (C) The fraction of BY4741 or rnq1Δ cells carrying the indicated type of visible mHtt(72Q)-GFP aggregate. Error bars indicate SEM; n = 88 and 195 cells, respectively, in 2–3 imaging sessions (*P 0.01, both ANOVA and unpaired two-tailed t test).