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. 2019 Aug 21;24(17):3021. doi: 10.3390/molecules24173021

Table 4.

The effects of surfactants on CSH and biodegradation of hydrocarbons.

Surfactant Concentration Strains CSH % Degradation % Reference
Substrates Without Surfactant With Surfactant Substrates Without Surfactant With Surfactant
Rhamnolipids 600 mg/L Pseudomonas LSH-7 crude oil - - crude oil 77% 87% [34]
Rhamnolipids 400 mg/L Bacillus subtilis BUM phenanthrene 23% 25% phenanthrene 82% 32% [35]
Rhamnolipids 120 mg/L Aeromonas hydrofila diesel oil 7% 12% diesel oil 58% 60% [36]
Tween 80 1000 mg/L Polyporus sp. S133 phenanthrene - - phenanthrene 30% 47% [37]
5000 mg/L 72%
10000 mg/L 61%
SDS 50 mg/L Bacillus subtilis BL-27 n-hexadecane 25% 16% crude oil 65% 79% This work
200 mg/L 19% 70%
Tween 80 50 mg/L 23% 65%
200 mg/L 13% 76%
Rhamnolipids 50 mg/L 17% 68%
200 mg/L 10% 64%
Surfactin 50 mg/L 22% 64%
200 mg/L 19% 64%