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. 2019 Jul 30;9(9):e01366. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1366

Table 1.

Patients' demographics and clinical information

Patient, age/gender, handedness Electrode implanted side Age of seizure onset Seizure type Ictal ECoG onset
A. 38F, R L 29 Epigastric rising sensation → CPS PHG
B. 29M, R&L L 10 Aura (metamorphopsia, epigastric rising sensation) → CPS PHG
C. 51M, R L 43 CPS mITG
D. 41F, R L 19 Aura (nausea, feeling pale) → CPS PHG
E. 22M, R L 16 Nonspecific aura → CPS, GTCS aMTG
F. 27F, R R 16 Epigastric rising sensation → CPS vAT
G. 28F, R L 12 Precordial discomfort → CPS PHG
H. 39M, L R 12–15 Aura (epigastric rising sensation, fear) → CPS, GTCS PHG
I. 21M, R L 14 Aura (déjà vu, jamais vu, smell fit, epigastric discomfort) → CPS vAT
Patient, age/gender, handedness MRI Pathology WADA test (language, memory)
A. 38F, R L hippocampal atrophy/sclerosis HSa L, L
B. 29M, R&L L posterior temporal cortical atrophy FCD IA
B (L < R), B (L > R)
C. 51M, R Left temporal cavernoma AVM L, B
D. 41F, R L hippocampal atrophy/sclerosis, L parieto‐occipital perinatal infarction FCD IA
R, R
E. 22M, R L basal frontal cortical dysplasia, L anterior temporal arachnoid cyst FCD IA L, L
F. 27F, R R mesial temporal cyst FCD IA L, L
G. 28F, R L hippocampal atrophy/sclerosis HSa L, B (L < R)
H. 39M, L R hippocampal atrophy/sclerosis FCD IA
R, B (L < R)
I. 21M, R L hippocampal atrophy/sclerosis FCD IA
L, B (L > R)
Patient, age/gender, handedness WAIS‐R/III (VIQ, PIQ, TIQ) WMS‐R (verbal, visual, general, attention, delayed recall) WAB (AQ)
A. 38F, R 84, 97, 89 75, 111, 83, 62, 53 98.5
B. 29M, R&L 72, 78, 72 99, 92, 97, 87, 83 96
C. 51M, R 73, 97, 83 80, 101, 85, 101, 91 89.6
D. 41F, R 72, 83, 75 83, 111, 89, 94, 82 97.3
E. 22M, R 70, 78, 69 99, 64, 87, 91, 82 95.6
F. 27F, R 106, 102, 105 112, 114, 114, 81, 100 99.6
G. 28F, R 62, 80, 67 64, 94, 68, 79, 79 95.8
H. 39M, L 93, 105, 98 74, 94, 77, 110, 96 99
I. 21M, R 86, 79, 81 55, 79, 53, 90, 54 97.4

Abbreviations: aMTG, anterior part of the middle temporal gyrus; AQ, Aphasia Quotient; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; B, bilateral; CPS, complex partial seizure; ECoG, electrocorticogram; FCD, focal cortical dysplasia (Palmini classification); GTCS, generalized tonic clonic seizure; HS, hippocampal sclerosis; L, left; mITG, middle part of inferior temporal gyrus; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; PIQ, Performance IQ; R, right; TIQ, Total IQ; vAT, ventral anterior temporal; VIQ, Visual IQ; WAB, Western Aphasia Battery; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WMS‐R, Wechsler Memory Scale‐Revised.


Diagnosed by clinical findings.


Dual pathology.