Figure 6.
Kinetic analysis of the reduction of H2O2 by wild type, Y193G and Y193M Prx2. (A) NADPH-linked peroxidase activity of wild-type Prx2 is shown in black, Y193G Prx2 in dark gray and Y193M Prx2 in light gray. Ten µM H2O2 was added to start the reactions and consumption of NADPH was followed at 340 nm. (B) NADPH-linked peroxidase activity was followed for the Y193G Prx2 mutant in the same conditions, using 10 µM H2O2 (black), 20 µM H2O2 (dark gray) or 50 µM H2O2 (light gray). (C) Oxidation of Y193G Prx2 followed by intrinsic fluorescence. Dependence of the kinetic constant of the slow phase on H2O2 concentration.