Figure 4.
Changes in Rei with AOD and the probability distribution of selected meteorological parameters as a function of season. (a–c) Changes in Rei with AOD as a function of season for (a) all ice clouds, (b) convection-generated ice clouds, and (c) in situ ice clouds. (d-f) The probability distribution of (d) RH100–440 hPa, (e) CAPE, and (f) U200 as a function of season. Definitions of season are as follows: Winter - December, January, and February; Spring - March, April, and May; Summer - June, July, and August; Fall - September, October, and November. The definition of error bars is the same as in Fig. 1. The total numbers of samples used are 5.68 × 104 (a, d-f), 2.73 × 104 (b), and 1.09 × 104 (c).