Table 2.
Altered RSFC Of Thalamic Subregions In MDD Patients
Anatomical region | Colour | Cluster Size (voxels) | Peak t-value | Peak MNI (X Y Z) coordinates (mm) |
ROI 1 | Red | |||
L mSFG | 316 | 4.5 | −9, 27, 36 | |
ROI 2 | Green | |||
B mSFG | 287 | 4.5 | 0, 42, 33 | |
R insula | 153 | 4.18 | 45, −6, 3 | |
ROI 3 | Blue | |||
B mSFG | 80 | 4.32 | 0, 42, 33 | |
L IFG | 72 | 4.9 | −42, 18, −12 | |
ROI 4 | Orange | |||
B mSFG | 69 | 4.04 | 0, 45, 33 | |
ROI 5 | Cyan | |||
B mSFG | 729 | 5.22 | −6, 42, 42 | |
R STG | 123 | 4.84 | 60, −12, 0 | |
L HES | 113 | 4.34 | −39, −18, 6 | |
R ROL | 122 | 4.5 | 42, −3, 12 | |
R ROL | 83 | 4.1 | 45, −24, 21 | |
ROI 6 | Yellow | |||
B mSFG | 731 | 4.51 | −3, 42, 42 | |
R PUT | 98 | 4.29 | 24, 9, 12 | |
ROI 7 | Magenta | |||
B mSFG | 73 | 4.40 | −3, 45, 39 | |
R insula | 54 | 4.05 | 45, −6, 3 | |
L ROL | 122 | 4.03 | −48, −6, 9 | |
L IFG | 221 | 5.39 | −39, 15, −9 |
Notes: Significance level was defined at voxel p < 0.005, cluster p < 0.05, GRF corrected.
Abbreviations: RSFC, resting-state functional connectivity; MDD, major depressive disorder; R, right side; L, left side; B; bilateral side; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates; mSFG, the medial part of the superior frontal gyrus; IFG, inferior orbital frontal gyrus; HES, Heschl; ROL, Rolandic operculum; STG, superior temporal gyrus; PUT, putamen; ROI, region of interest.