Fig. 3. The conditional relation between sadness and repetitive negative thinking as a function of between-person differences in default mode, fronto-parietal, and salience network connectivity.
a Highlights the coordinates of regions in the salience network and the fronto-parietal network as defined by ref. 57. b Illustrates the values of fronto-parietal network and salience network connectivity (FPN-SAL) at which the association between previous moment’s sadness and repetitive negative thinking is significant. The dashed orange vertical line at 0.003 indicates the value of FPN-SAL connectivity at which the effect of previous moment’s sadness on negative thinking becomes non-significant. The upper bound of the region of significance for the FPN-SAL variable (0.02) is also shown. The range of values we observe in the sample is indicated by the horizontal green line at slope of sadness = 0. The ribbon indicates the standard error of the mean. c Indicates the effect of previous moment’s sadness on negative thinking at low and high levels of FPN-SAL connectivity. Low and high values of between-person, sample-mean centered FPN-SAL connectivity reflect plus and minus 1 standard deviation about the mean (−0.01, 0.01). Values for the previous moment’s sadness on the x-axis reflect plus and minus 1 standard deviation about the mean. The slope of the simple regression of negative thinking on sadness at low levels of FPN-SAL connectivity is significant such that people with lower than average levels of FPN-SAL connectivity experienced significant increases in negative thinking following higher than usual levels of sadness. The slope of the simple regression at high levels of FPN-SAL connectivity is not significant. The ribbon indicates the standard error of the mean. d Highlights the coordinates of regions in the default mode network and the fronto-parietal network as defined by ref. 57. e Illustrates the values of default mode network and fronto-parietal network connectivity (DMN-FPN) at which the association between previous moment’s sadness and negative thinking is significant. The dashed orange vertical line at −0.002 indicates the lower bound of the region of significance on the DMN-FPN connectivity variable at which point the effect of previous moment’s sadness on negative thinking becomes significant. The upper bound is beyond the range of observed data and is not shown. The range of values observed in the sample is indicated by the horizontal green line at sadness = 0. The ribbon indicates the standard error of the mean. f Indicates the association between previous moment’s sadness and negative thinking at low and high levels of DMN-FPN connectivity. Low and high values of between-person, sample-mean centered DMN-FPN connectivity are defined as plus and minus 1 standard deviation about the mean (−0.01, 0.01). Values for the previous moment’s sadness on the x-axis reflect plus and minus 1 standard deviation about the mean. The slope of the simple regression at high levels of DMN-FPN connectivity is significant such that people with higher than average levels of DMN-FPN connectivity experienced significant increases in negative thinking following higher than usual levels of sadness at the previous measurement occasion. The slope of the simple regression of negative thinking on sadness is not significant at low levels of DMN-FPN connectivity. The ribbon indicates the standard error of the mean