Fig. 4.
Freeze injury induces an impaired muscle regeneration with a long-lasting fibro-adipogenic scar in CXCL12Gagtm/Gagtm mice. Representative HE-stained TA sections respectively before 12, 30, and 60 days post-FI in a, e, i, m WT (C57Bl6) and b, f, j, n KI (CXCL12Gagtm/Gagtm) mice. Scale bar represent 100 μm. Representative fibrotic deposit staining (Sirius Red) of c resting, g 12, k 30, and o 60 days post-FI TA from KI mice. Scale bar represent 100 μm. Representative adipocytic staining (Oil Red O) of d resting, h 12, l 30, and p 60 days post-FI of the TA from KI mice. Scale bar represent 100 μm. q Fibrosis quantified with Sirius Red positive/negative surface ratio. The mean ratio ± SEM is given for the injured TA from KI mice at three time points. r Adipose area quantified with Oil Red O positive/negative surface ratio. The mean ratio ± SEM is given for the injured TA from KI mice at three time points. s Macrophages infiltration quantified by F4/80 positive/negative surface ratio. The mean ratio ± SEM is given for injured TA from WT and KI mice at three time points. For all quantifications, n = 5 mice per condition and per time point and were repeated independently two times. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01