Figure 11.
The effects of TCV infection on plant growth in 10 single ago mutant plants. A, The histograms show the plant growth curve (averaged by six plants, ±se) in Col-0, dcl2 dcl3 dcl4, and 10 single ago mutant plants inoculated with mock solution, TCV, or TCV CPB inoculum from 1 d preinoculation to 21 dpi (K-S test with α = 0.05, detailed D value, and P value are listed in Supplemental Table S4). B and C, The bar plot shows the average plant height (±se, n = 6) in Col-0, dcl2 dcl3 dcl4, and 10 single ago mutant plants at 13 dpi (B) or 21 dpi (C). Statistical analysis was calculated between treatments in each genotype. Bars and curves with different letters are statistically different (Tukey post hoc test with α = 0.05).