O-GlcNAc signaling accelerates vernalization-promoted flowering transition in winter wheat. A, Shoot apex morphology of winter wheat JD1 at V0, V14, and V21 with nontreatment (control) and PUGNAc (OGA inhibitor) treatment, respectively. Bar = 0.5 mm. The diagram on the left shows different stages of wheat apex; the double ridge is a clear marker to indicate the initiation of flowering. B and C, Quantification of the heading rate (the percentage of the wheat reaches double ridge when observation; B) and heading time (C) of wheat with different treatment. In (C), stars emphasize that winter wheat with PUGNAc addition under V14 flowers is at similar time as the control plant with V21. Data are means ± sd of 20 plants for each line. Different letters indicate the significant treatment difference at P < 0.05, and one-way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. D, Relative expression of key flowering genes TaVRN1, TaVRN2, and TaFT1 in JD1 wheat with nontreatment (control) and PUGNAc treatment (data were normalized to housekeeping gene Actin first, and then normalized to nontreated V0 plant). Data shown are means ± sd; n = 3.