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. 2019 Sep 13;13:857. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00857


Between group comparison (MCI > Elderly) for the three seed ROIs.

BA Hemisphere Peak X Peak Y Peak Z Number of voxels t p
ROI2: Clusters
Occipital Lobe 18/19 R 23 −80 37 509 −5.35 0.00
Caudate Nucleus R 11 7 9 426 −5.07 0.00
Caudate Nucleus L −10 16 12 1358 −5.36 0.00
Lateral occipital cortex 18/19 L −28 −86 15 674 −7.25 0.00
IFG 10 L −34 22 24 1262 −4.80 0.00
Rolandic Operculum 22 L −46 −8 6 375 −5.07 0.00
Ventral IFG 47 L −40 28 −3 314 −6.91 0.00
ITG 21 L −46 −53 −9 549 −5.56 0.00
STG 41 L −55 −17 12 1569 −5.50 0.00
Lateral occipital cortex 18 19 L −55 −59 0 1428 −6.14 0.00
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex 10 32 L −17 38 6 624 −4.34 0.00
ROI5: Clusters
IPL 41 R 38 −35 9 397 −6.22 0.00
anterior Intraparietal Sulcus 6 R 17 −17 45 2204 −6.66 0.00
Thalamus R 20 −14 0 459 −6.70 0.00
Sensory-motor cortex 3 4 R 2 −35 60 3689 −6.92 0.00
Retrosplenial cortex/Lingual Gyrus 30 R 5 −65 9 462 −5.01 0.00
Occipital cortex 18 19 L −16 −71 −6 2588 −7.89 0.00
Precuneus 30 29 L −16 −62 6 639 −5.37 0.00
Caudal cingulate 32 6 L −7 7 39 316 −5.45 0.00
Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 L −13 −17 63 633 −5.67 0.00
Medial Frontal Gyrus 6 L −13 1 63 330 −5.26 0.00
Anterior Insula/Putamen 13 L −25 22 6 487 −4.78 0.00
ROI9: Clusters
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 53 −50 9 337 −6.32 0.00
Lateral Thalamus R 32 −23 −3 684 −6.80 0.00
Posterior Cingulate 31 R 5 −32 36 586 −5.55 0.00
Superior Frontal Gyrus 8 L −25 19 39 677 6.11 0.00
Orbitofrontral/ventrolateral prefrontal cortex 11 L −40 34 −6 430 6.24 0.00
Frontal eye fields 6 L −37 −5 36 488 7.32 0.00
Inferior Middle Temporal Sulcus 37 L −49 −62 3 314 −6.85 0.00

BA, Broadmann Areas; IPL, Inferior parietal lobe; IFG, Inferior Frontal Gyrus; ITG, Inferior Temporal Gyrus; STG, Superior Temporal Gyrus.