Table 1.
MicroRNAs in macrophages and in RA/JIA.
microRNA | Site of expression | Targets | Functions | Arthritis-specific findings in vivo |
miR-155 | P, PBMCs, SFCD14*c, RASF | SOCS1 IL-13Rα1 C/EBP-β |
Promote M1 (26, 27) Suppress M2 (28) Suppress M2 (23) |
In CIA (24) In urate-induced arthritis (32) |
miR-146a | PBMCs, SFTc, SFCD14*c | IRF3, TRAF6, IRAK1/2INHBA | Regulate polariztion of macrophages (35) Promote M2 (37, 38) |
In CIA (40, 43) In gouty arthritis (41) In lyme arthritis (42) |
miR-let7a | PBMCs, SFCD14*c, RASF | Ras HMGA2 |
Suppress inflammation (45) Downregulate macrophage activation (46) |
In CIA (46) |
miR-33 | RACD14*c | ABCA1, ABCG1 | Increase inflammation (50–52) | Unknown |
miR-125a | P, PB | KLF13 IRF4 |
Promote M2 (58) Promote M1 (59) |
Unknown |
miR-223 | PB, PBMCs, PTc, S, O/O | Pknox1 | Promote M2 (66) | In CIA, SKG (69, 70) |
miR-124 | RASF | C/EBP-α NFATc1 |
Promote M2 (73) Suppress osteoclasts (74) |
In AIA (74) |
miR-26a | PBMCs | KLF4MYCBP | Promote M1 (75) Suppress M2 (76) |
In pristine-induced arthritis (79) |
miR-20a | RAFLS | Ask1 | Suppress inflammation (81) | Unknown |
miR-19a miR-21 |
Increase inflammation (82) | Unknown |
*P, plasma; S, serum; PB, peripheral blood; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PRTc, peripheral regulatory T cells; SFCD14*C, synovial fluid CD14+ T cells; RASF, rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblast; SFTc, synovial tissue; RACD14*c, rheumatoid arthritis CD14+ T cells; PTc, peripheral T cells; O/O, osteoblasts and osteoclasts.