Performance at 3 Months by Allele and NHPA Score.
Mean scores for RBANS indices, RBANS individual domains, Stroop, and TMT tests (from left to right) at 3-months postdiagnosis by individual low- (LPA) and high- (HPA) performing BDNF (top left), DRD2 (top right), and COMT (bottom left) alleles along with total number of high-performing alleles (NHPA) (LPA = NHPA 0 to 4, HPA = NHPA 5 to 6) (bottom right). RBANS data are presented as mean raw score. Stroop data are presented as mean interference T score. TMT data are presented as mean ratio of the score on Part B to Part A (Trail B/A). A indicates attention; CN, color naming; CO, coding; CW, color-word condition; DM, delayed memory; DS, digit span; FC, Fig. copy; FR, Fig. recall; IM, immediate memory; LA, language; LL, list learning; LO, line orientation; LR, list recall; Lrecog, list recognition; INT, interference; PN, picture naming; RBANS, Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status; SF, semantic fluency; SM, story memory; SR, story recall; TMT, Trail Making Test; VS, visuospatial; WR, word recognition. *P < .05; **P < .01.