Table 1.
Essential core competencies
Understand the principles of palliative care |
Understand that there are different trajectories of the decline at the end of life for different illnesses |
Be able to identify patients with palliative care needs |
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of standard tools available to identify patients with palliative care needs. A range of tools are available such as the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT- |
Understand the principles of palliative care and be able to provide holistic care, to improve Quality of Life (QOL), assure dignified death, through effective team work. |
Understand and integrate palliative care in the clinical care of all life-limiting, life- threatening and advanced chronic illness. |
Be able to complete a holistic assessment of patient needs and provide appropriate care for the physical, psychological, social and spiritual issues through team work |
Demonstrate ability to carry out a comprehensive physical assessment and provide good symptom management |
Demonstrate confidence in the use of essential palliative care medications (including opioids) |
Initiate and frequently review a plan of care for a terminally ill patient that is based upon a comprehensive interdisciplinary assessment of the patient and family’s expressed values, goals, and needs. |
Be able to effectively discuss the plan with the patient and family (including giving information on diagnosis, prognosis, discussing death and dying) |
Be able to provide care in the patient’s preferred place (home/community setting) |
Be aware of the ethical and legal framework in providing care |