Figure 5. Bfa1 and Bub2 promote Kip2 run initiation from bud-directed SPBs.
(a) Representative images of Kip2-G374A-3xsfGFP (green) in preanaphase cells of indicated genotype. Spindles are visualized with Spc42-mCherry (magenta). See Figure 3c for control. (b) Normalized Kip2-G374A-3xsfGFP fluorescence (%) associated with b- (blue) and m-SPBs (yellow) in cells shown in (a) (n > 3 independent clones or technical replicates,>701 cells per genotype). (c) Quantification of asymmetry index for Kip2-G374A-3xsfGFP distribution (fluorescence intensity: (FIb-SPB – FIm-SPB) / FIboth-SPBs) between SPBs in cells in (b) with correctly orientated (blue) and inverted (red) SPBs. For cells with inverted SPBs, statistical significances of difference from zero were tested with one-way ANOVA. (d) Representative images (left) and quantifications (right) of fluorescence intensities (a.u.) from endogenous Kip2-3xsfGFP along preanaphase aMTs (boxed areas) in bfa1∆bub2∆ cells. The graph format is the same as in Figure 1. 45 ≤ n ≤ 99 per bin. The pink dashed line denotes the weighted linear regressions for the mean GFP fluorescence on plus-ends in wild-type cells. See Figure 5—figure supplement 1 for more details. (e) In silico likelihood of on rate constant and in rate constant estimated from model fits to Kip2-3xsfGFP distribution in wt and bfa1∆bub2∆ cells. Statistical significance for (***, p=8∙10−4, was determined by sampling from the likelihood for (see Appendix 1), difference in median as indicated. Graph as in Figure 2d. (f) Normalized Kip2-3xsfGFP fluorescence (%) associated with microtubule plus-ends in preanaphase cells carrying both b- (blue) and m- (yellow) microtubules (n > 3 independent clones or technical replicates,>275 cells per genotype). See Figure 5—figure supplement 1a for representative images. (g) Quantification of asymmetry index for Kip2-3xsfGFP accumulation at m- and b-microtubule plus-ends (fluorescence intensity: (FIb-MT – FIm-MT) / FIboth-MTs) in preanaphase cells for data in (f) with correctly orientated (blue) and inverted (red) SPBs. Graphs and statistical analysis are as in Figure 4 (b,c,e,f,g and i) unless otherwise indicated. Statistical significances within each genotype are marked at the bottom. Scale bars, 2 µm. See also Figure 5—figure supplement 1.