Figure 3.
Multivariable analyses of associations between changes in variables after 24 weeks of tofacitinib treatment and the risk of future MACE. For each variable listed, a Cox regression model was fit, with change in the variable at week 24, the variable at baseline, age at baseline, and time‐varying dosage as predictors. In this model, only patients with exposure after week 24 were considered (i.e., patients who had MACE before week 24 or who had withdrawn or completed the study by week 24 were excluded). Patients with missing data for the week‐24 variable were excluded from the analysis of that variable (no imputation method). The HR corresponds to increased risk of MACE per 1‐unit increase in the parameter. n = number of patients with future MACE for each predictor; N = number of patients included in the analysis for each predictor; PGA = patient global assessment; VAS = visual analog scale (see Figure 1 for other definitions).