Fig. 5.
Vectorial folding of “light-up” RNA aptamers. a Schematic of unfolding of an aptamer-heteroduplex via Rep-X and its subsequent folding (Spinach2 and iMangoIII are shown as representations here). b E histograms of heteroduplex in the Rep-X unbound (top) and after Rep-X unwinding in the presence of ATP (middle) and AMP-PNP (bottom). c Representative single-molecule trajectories (blue) showing co-transcriptional folding of an aptamer (Spinach2 (left), iMangoIII (middle), and MangoIV (right), 30 ms integration time). The red and black arrows indicate two-step RNA folding corresponding to formation of GQ (red) and the underlying base triple (black, iMangoIII) and duplex stem (black, MangoIV). Individual time trajectories have been synchronized (“Methods” section) and overlaid on to the representative traces. Population information is represented as: light yellow (lowest occupancy) to red (highest occupancy)