Fig. 3.
cOA4 configurations in the binding pockets. a Detailed view of the cOA4 binding site in conf1 including its interactions with key side chains. This configuration is observed in two of the binding pockets of the hexamer (indicated with an asterisk). b The third pocket in conf1 exhibits a different configuration of cOA4 (indicated with a black circle). c Detailed view of cOA4 binding site in conf2 including key side chain. This configuration is visualized in two of the binding pockets of the hexamer (indicated with a black square). d The conformation of cOA4 is also different in the third binding pocket in conf2 (indicated with a black triangle). The 2mFo-DFc electron density maps in panels A-D are displayed at 1.1 σ contour. Views of the omit maps of a–d panels are provided in Supplementary Fig. 7B