Fig. 5.
AAV9 mediated overexpression of circFndc3b enhances neovascularization and reduces fibrosis after MI in mice: a Representative images of capillary density and arterioles measured in border zone of LV infarct at 8 weeks post-MI in AAV9 control or AAV9 circFndc3b or saline treated hearts. Capillaries were stained with CD31 + (red) and arterioles stained with α-SMA (green) and nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). (Scale bar 100 μm); b, c Quantification of border zone capillary number and arterioles across treatments presented as the number of CD31 + positive capillaries, α-SMA + arterioles and DAPI-stained nuclei per low power field (LPF). n = 5 mice/each group. ***p < 0.001 vs AAV9 control or saline treated hearts (one-way ANOVA); (d Representative images of Masson’s trichrome stained heart sections in the saline or AAV9 control or AAV9 circFndc3b treated hearts at 8 weeks post-MI; e Quantitative analysis of infarct size at 8 weeks post-MI in saline or AAV9 control or AAV9 circFndc3b treated hearts; n = 5 mice/each group. ***p < 0.001 vs AAV9 control or saline treated hearts (one-way ANOVA)