Fig. 1.
Treatment with p52 siRNA reduces fasting hyperglycemia in HFD-fed mice. a p52 protein level in liver tissue of NCD-fed, HFD-fed, and HFD-fed mice treated with p52 siRNA or NC siRNA. Liver tissues were collected from the mice after 8 weeks feeding (n = 3). b Fasting blood glucose in mice in panel a after 7 weeks feeding (n = 6). c Pyruvate tolerance test (2 g/kg body weight) in the mice in panel a after 7 weeks of feeding. AUC is indicated on the right (n = 6). d Fasting serum glucagon levels in mice in panel a fed with NCD or HFD for 8 weeks (n = 6). e Blood glucose levels in normal mice subjected to glucagon challenge (2 mg/kg body weight) and treatment with p52 siRNA or NC siRNA. AUC is indicated on the right (n = 6). f Fasting blood glucose of liver-specific p52 overexpression mice (n = 8). g Blood glucose curve and AUC for mice that are either treated with AAV8-p52 or AAV8-NC after glucagon injection (n = 6). AAV adeno-associated virus, NCD normal chow diet, HFD high-fat diet, AUC area under the curve, NS normal saline. Bars represent mean ± SEM values. Statistical difference in panel f was determined by a two-tailed Student’s t test, and all others were used one-way ANOVA. *p < 0.05 vs. the control group, **p < 0.01 vs. the control group. Source data are provided as a Source Data file